
The Starving Baker

1.) In your opinion, why is personal growth and wellness a key characteristic to good leadership? Being able to grow and learn from your experiences is indeed a key characteristic in a leader. When you think about it, being a leader means taking that first step for the group and excepting and learning from the outcome and then guiding others in the right direction. If we didn't focus on our personal growth then those in our community could also be stunted or we ourselves could be so stagnant that our community outgrows us. 2.) What is your biggest hindrance to taking time for personal growth?  For me personally, my biggest issue with taking time for myself, is finding the time. Everything I do has a time limit on it especially in college. Being able to find time to balance expectations and self care is difficult and something I do struggle with heavily. I haven't found a good response for how I can fit this into my life yet, but I know that I must. With that being said, I am st

Drivers and Passengers

  1.) What factors have lured us into thinking like "victims" in our country? When something goes wrong, what is it that makes people prone to file a lawsuit instead of take responsibility? I think majority of the time this mentality comes from the idea that we can get benefits from not taking responsibility for the actions that got us into those situations. It is much easier to push aside the idea that we were wrong and let someone else take the blame while we reap the benefits. It's also an idea of not letting ourselves look stupid or incompetent that we would actually make those decisions to wind up were we are. Which in an ending note, we should not be embarrassed because of those facts, we all mess up it's a normal part of the learning process. 2.) What is the difference between those who take responsibility and those who don't? What are symptoms or evidence of a person who assumes responsibility?  Those who take responsibility for their actions in my opinion

When Opportunity Comes Knocking

1.) How do you use your time? We all mean well at the beginning of each day, but somehow we get off track and waste so much of it. What stands in your way of using your time wisely?         I think the main aspect of how I can waste my day attributes number one to procrastination. I procrastinate with everything under the sun but mainly Netflix (new girl is my weakness), reading interesting books, and sleeping.  It becomes very easy for me to lose track of time especially when I'm doing said things to ignore certain responsibilities .  2.) Think back on your previous leadership experiences. In 2 paragraphs (4-6 sentences), describe a time that you missed out on an opportunity. How did it make you feel? Do you regret missing the opportunity? What will do next time to ensure your don't miss any opportunities?     One opportunity I would count as missing is an audition  for a musical at my high school. I was president of the troupe at the time and due to my procrastination on oth

Emotional Fuel

1.) In two paragraphs (4-6 sentences in each paragraph), discuss a time when someone or a group of individuals fueled you emotionally. Was it one person or a group of people? When did this take place? What did they say or do to fuel you? Did they create a shared vision with you? Utilize your "ME" diagram and your class notes to guide your response.  For a long period of my life, my theater group all throughout high school fueled me emotionally. They wee a solid support group of so many people that were always there to listen. Not only did I have this group but also people from other groups that helped in theater events. So I always had someone to be happy for, and if anyone was unhappy we gave each other reasons to be happy.  2.) Why do you think we need accountability and support in our lives as leaders? It's very important to have accountability to keep yourself centered, and support is important because then you are strong for yourself and for your friends and family.

Are you a Thermostat or Thermometer as a Leader?

  1.) How does this image relate to modeling the way? Please provide an example.  I think it can connect to modeling the way simply through how we as leaders evaluate the situations we are given. Not all settings will be the same everyday. So you could very well say being a leader is like being a thermostat or a thermometer in a  fluctuating  hot and cold room. Using the idea of "Forge unity, don't force it" , from Modeling the way, it's important to note that while being the thermostat, a leader cannot let their peers over heat in a hot room simply because it is the 'usual' climate or 'mood' of that setting. Likewise, a thermometer cannot force cold air on their freezing  peers simply because they are hot and they are in charge. 2.) Most people say they own a set of values, but many don't live by the values they claim. Why do you think there may be a gap between what we say and what we do? Why should you try to avoid hypocrisy as a leader? Hypocri

A Picture Is Worth 15 Answers

My name is Michaela, but you can call me Misha. I'm a dual degree majoring in computer science and sociology with a criminology concentration! And my favorite drink is the pink drink from Starbucks. Feel free to bring me one whenever :) Click on the link on my title slide for some nice dark academia vibes. These vibes are how I live my life honestly. ( Here is it just in case it doesn't work on my powerpoint) <- music And here is my powerpoint! I hope you guys enjoy my pictures!