When Opportunity Comes Knocking

1.) How do you use your time? We all mean well at the beginning of each day, but somehow we get off track and waste so much of it. What stands in your way of using your time wisely?

        I think the main aspect of how I can waste my day attributes number one to procrastination. I procrastinate with everything under the sun but mainly Netflix (new girl is my weakness), reading interesting books, and sleeping.  It becomes very easy for me to lose track of time especially when I'm doing said things to ignore certain responsibilities

2.) Think back on your previous leadership experiences. In 2 paragraphs (4-6 sentences), describe a time that you missed out on an opportunity. How did it make you feel? Do you regret missing the opportunity? What will do next time to ensure your don't miss any opportunities?

    One opportunity I would count as missing is an audition for a musical at my high school. I was president of the troupe at the time and due to my procrastination on other aspects in my life, it left me with zero time to prepare, so when I went in for my audition I didn't do as greatly as I had wanted. I consider that to be a failed opportunity on my part since I didn't use my full potential. I think what will and does keep me from making such mistakes now, is goals. For example, I do my best to keep myself on track and hold my self to responsibilities for my goal of being an RA. If I don't apply myself to the other areas in my life it can effect the outcome of goals that may not seem like they could be affected.

3.) Why do you think so many of us simply waste so much of our time? Why don't we value it?

    I fully believe the main reason why we as individuals waste so much of our time, is due to the aspect that we don't think about it. In our minds we believe we always have time for such things later. We convince ourselves that we can get it done tomorrow, without thinking about how quickly time flies by, and even worse when we find ourselves in predicaments because of how we wasted time, we brush it off and do it all over again.

4.) List the ways you seize opportunities and make the most of your time each day? Also, incorporate how you hold yourself accountable. What are your accountability measures?

    In all honesty, I don't think i'm very good at making the most of my day. But when I am up and ready to go I make sure to give myself energy in everything I do and get rid of distractions. I also try and motivate myself to do more things and push my goals to the fore front of my mind. One thing I am very good at is holding myself accountable. I like to do this various times through out the day so I don't make dire mistakes that could cost me hard earned attributes. It is hard sometimes, but I justify the journey by reminding myself of the prize.

5.) Can you quickly name your top priorities? What are they at work, at school, and at home?

    My top priorities at school is grades and leadership opportunities, these go hand in hand as they keep each other in check.

My top priorities at home are friends, my boyfriend, my family. Family time and friends help me stay happy.

My top priorities at work is money (haha), but this is important as it funds everything I want to do and need to do.


  1. Hey Misha! I really like and agree with the priorities that you have set in place for yourself. I too often procrastinate with Netflix! I usual just get lost in the time. I also really love how passionate you are about becoming an RA. I think that its great that you have something that you are so excited to achieve and become.

  2. I like that you are able to once motivated get rid of distractions, its always great to be able to over power those. That and accountability is a great attribute in a leader. I also like how it doesnt seem like the categories of home, work, and school conflict with each other- sometimes that can be a problem.



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