Drivers and Passengers


1.) What factors have lured us into thinking like "victims" in our country? When something goes wrong, what is it that makes people prone to file a lawsuit instead of take responsibility?

I think majority of the time this mentality comes from the idea that we can get benefits from not taking responsibility for the actions that got us into those situations. It is much easier to push aside the idea that we were wrong and let someone else take the blame while we reap the benefits. It's also an idea of not letting ourselves look stupid or incompetent that we would actually make those decisions to wind up were we are. Which in an ending note, we should not be embarrassed because of those facts, we all mess up it's a normal part of the learning process.

2.) What is the difference between those who take responsibility and those who don't? What are symptoms or evidence of a person who assumes responsibility? 

Those who take responsibility for their actions in my opinion are less likely to mess up in the same way again. It is because of the consequences of the actions we make that teach us wether we are doing and acting in the appropriate way. Not allowing yourself to take responsibility for the mistakes you have made only allows one to justify and accept themselves doing that very same thing again, because they haven't learned anything from that experience.

3.) Think of an environment where you are more of a "passenger" than a "driver." What makes you act like a passenger instead of a driver? In your personal opinion, do you think it's okay to occasionally be a passenger? If so, please explain why so. 

I do believe that occasionally it is acceptable to be a passenger. Allowing yourself to be laid back can lower your stress when you are just trying to have fun and relax. However, I do still think it is very important to be attentive to the situation and realize when it is time to maybe shoulder that drivers seat. For example in theater I tried to let others take the wheel so they could have those learning moments of what they are doing right and what they are doing wrong. But within that I also had to know when to take the wheel back and guide them and myself into the right situation.
